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Sunday, January 22, 2017


 Our lives are characterized by daily stresses that sometimes make living painful. Many life situations make us angry, stressed, and sad. They directly affect our mental health, affecting our physical and social health. We know that when we are angry, stressed, or sad, we do not eat or socialize positively with our friends, families, and coworkers, which should not be the case. Fortunately, we have the pranayama to help us release harmful stress and anger while calming us, lifting our spirits, and improving our mental clarity. Through pranayama, we are not only able to restore mental stability, but we are also able to improve and maintain our physical and social health. 

Origin of Pranayama

The Term Pranayama combines two Indian words, “Prana” and “Ayama.” According to the ancient Indian seers, Prana is a force that flows through our body and keeps us alive. We mainly get Prana through breathing. When we stop breathing, we do not get Prana, which means we are dead. On the other hand, Ayama means to control. Therefore, pranayama means controlling or regulating breathing since Prana is mainly obtained by breathing. Technically, pranayama is a breathing exercise that improves energy and mental health. 

Types of Pranayama

There are several of types of pranayama. Such as: 

·        Anuloma

·        Bhastrika

·        Kapalabhati

·        Kumbakha

·        Ujjai

·        Bee Breath (Bhramari)

·        Nadhii Shodhana.

Anuloma Pranayama

This pranayama (breathing exercise) involves using both nostrils simultaneously to inhale the fresh air, exhaling the used air between the left and right nostrils. The right-hand thumb controls the right nostril, while the right-hand little finger or ring finger controls the left nostril during exhalation. Alternatively, one can do an inverted Anuloma. In this case, inhalation is done by alternatively using the left and right nostrils, while exhalation is carried out simultaneously by both nostrils. The inhalation and exhalation processes are usually accompanied by retention processes (Kumbhaka). However, beginners of this exercise are not encouraged to practice retention. Advanced performers of Anuloma can carry out retention at the end of inhalation and exhalation. 

Bhastrika Pranayama

The Bhastrika Pranayama is customarily used to prepare an individual for other breathing exercises. It is typically the first to be performed by one before one indulges in other forms of pranayama. This breathing exercise is characterized by forceful breathing in and out of the air. The exercise uses the diaphragm to drive the forceful movement of air, especially during exhalation. Usually, when a person performs the Bhastrika, you will hear audible sounds that show heavy breathing. Repeated rounds of inhalation and exhalation are likely to produce a hissing sound. Inhalation and exhalation in Bhastrika should be performed rapidly. A Bhastrika ends with a last deep inhalation, a retention, and an exhalation that is slowly carried out. 

Kapalabhati Pranayama

This pranayama is characterized by a short, robust, and forceful inhalation followed by a short, strong, forceful exhalation. It can also be done in another way whereby one can carry out quick, strong, forceful exhalations without inhalation for some time. This is known as Vatakrama kapalabhati. The Kapalabhati is mainly meant to cleanse the brain, the small brain, and the sinus. 

Kumbakha Pranayama

Kumbakha refers to the pause in the breathing process that follows an inhalation or an exhalation. It refers to the period of breathing when one does not inhale or exhale air. The pause in breathing after inhalation is known as bahya kumbaka, while the pause after exhalation is known as antara kumbakhaKumbakha is recommended because it increases one’s control over one’s mind.

Ujjayi Pranayama

This breathing exercise is characterized by a prolonged forceful inhalation that fills the belly, chest, and throat. During the process, one moves the glottis to create an ocean sound while narrowing the throat and air passage. Exhalation is also done similarly to inhalation. The duration of the round of inhalation should be equal to the course of the round of succeeding exhalation.

Bhramari Pranayama

This pranayama involves placing and pressing index fingers on the cartilage between one’s cheeks and ears and keeping one’s eyes closed. It is followed by deep inhalation and exhalation while humming like a bee’s. Ensure your index fingers press the cartilage gently and your mouth is closed when humming loudly. This exercise has an immediate calming effect on one mind. It is the best exercise to free up anger, agitation, anxiety, or frustration.

Nadhi Shodhana (Alternate nostril breathing) 

This exercise involves the use of right-hand fingers to control inhalation and exhalation. During inhalation, one closes the right nostril using the right-hand thumb and breathes in slowly and steadily using the left nostril. It is typically followed by a brief retention whereby the left nostril is closed. After the retention, the right nostril is open while the left nostril remains closed. Air is exhaled slowly and steadily using the right nostril. It is followed by a brief retention again. The next round of inhalation is done by the open right nostril, while the left nostril will do exhalation. This alternate nostril breathing improves one’s focus and attention.


Pranayama is very important for our general health. It helps us clear our worries and anxieties and makes us calm. It also removes the fog in our brains, which improves our attention and focus. It also boosts our energy (kundalini), filling us with enthusiasm and positivity toward life. You can be forever young if you try to maintain pranayama. Try it. The few forms of pranayama explained above are easily understandable. Try them out.

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